Now that the wave of emotions from the election has subsided some and heads are cooler, its time to rank some stuff.
Adding to things to consider, Joe released this statement regarding his pardon of Hunter. He gives his justification for the pardon. Previously he promised to not pardon his son, but changed his mind.
One can only wonder what jail would have been like for Hunter, if one takes as a model how Putin, who has immunity from all crimes, official acts or not, treated Alexei Navalny while he was in a Russian jail on trumped up criminal charges. To be clear, Putin had Navalny poisoned and then murdered when poison failed to get the job done. Would DJT sink that low? Who knows? Maybe.
For context, here is how professionals rank Joe and some other US presidents.
What about ranking DJT as a president, candidate and president-elect?
1 = the worst possible in a messy democracy
2 = solidly bad but could have been noticeably worse
3 = modestly bad on balance, but not as bad as 2
4 = about as mediocre as politics can get, part good & part bad & part unclear
5 = modestly good on balance, but not as good as 6
6 = solidly good but could have been noticeably better
7 = the best possible in a messy democracy
Using the same scale, what rank for the GOP from 2020 to now in 2024? What about the American public?
What are the top 2 or 3 most important factors in your assessment of Joe, DJT, the Dems, the Repubs and the American people?
Me tentatively:
Joe: 25 (poor messaging, failed immigration policy, pro-environment policy)
DJT: 46 (rabidly anti-democracy and rule of law, deeply corrupt, thoroughly morally rotted)
Dem party: 2 (poor messaging, out of touch, inept)
Repub party: 1 (solidly anti-democracy and rule of law, deeply corrupt, thoroughly morally rotted)
American people: 3 (too many low information, too many unreasonably deceived and manipulated, unreasonable expectations)