Wanna know why Trump is so popular? He acts like Rambo.
Abraham Lincoln, now there was a "man." Ditto Ronald Reagan. Though not as macho, JKF and Bill Clinton and Obama still oozed sex appeal. What did one term Jimmy Carter ooz? Or one term Joe Biden? Or candidate Kamala Harris? She oozed "joy." THAT is not where Americans are at. They want heroes. Even corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous ones like Trump will do.
The making of an American hero, and what his ascendance tells us about our society — and ourselves.
And that is how we all now view ourselves — as heroic in our certainty, our clarity, our superiority to our fellow passengers, whom we regard as intellectually and morally disingenuousness for failing to see things the way we do.
We are all Rambo. God bless us… and God help us.
The prospect that the nation might knowingly put back in power a man who cozies up to authoritarian leaders, tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election, and promises to be a dictator himself (if only, he says, for a day) has not only alarmed but baffled Democrats.
That conclusion ignores a very uncomfortable and inconvenient truth: A big chunk of the public actually wants an authoritarian leader.
YABBUT what about democracy, the rule of law, common decency and Mom's apple pie? Forgettaboutit.
THE LEFT needs to meet Americans where they are, and provide them with what they want..................